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%Alphabet ($GOOGL ), the parent company of Google, is about to release a new generative %ArtificialIntelligence (A.I.) software product called %Gemini.

Gemini is a conversational A.I. platform that is aimed at competing directly against OpenAI's ChatGPT and GPT-4 chatbot models.

Google has ramped up its investments in generative A.I. this year as it races to catch-up after Microsoft-backed OpenAI's launch of ChatGPT last November went viral and ushered in the current A.I. craze.

According to media reports, Gemini is a large language software model that can summarize text and generate original content based on user prompts.

Gemini can also reportedly write and read back email drafts to users, compose song lyrics, and write journalism articles.

The new A.I. software is expected to help engineers write code and generate original images based on user requests.

Google is currently giving developers access to Gemini in a beta or test format. Gemini is expected to be as good or better than GPT-4, the most advanced A.I. model currently available from OpenAI.

Alphabet plans to make Gemini available to companies first through its Google Cloud Vertex A.I. service. It’s not clear when consumers might be able to purchase the new A.I. software.

Last month, Google introduced generative A.I. to its search engine in India and Japan. It has also made it’s A.I. tools available to enterprise customers for a monthly fee of $30 U.S. per user.

Alphabet’s stock has risen 34% over the last 12 months to trade at $138.10 U.S. per share.

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